Friday, November 7, 2008


So I haven't been totally the midst of a major upheaval right now, in the tornado of chaos that has become my life, I have hit a good ole hard writers block. I know, you're not supposed to talk about it when you do - what if someone hears you have suddenly stopped typing!

I haven't stopped altogether, I just prefer to think of this time as 'vacation' for my characters...grumble, grumble, hope they return soon.

In this time of quiet reflection, I have reverted to my other favorite pastimes: Reading, photography, poetry, and music.

Reading: I am reading anything I can get my hands on right now. I've always been told that is the fastest way to work out writer's block. So currently on my nightstand: "The Other Boleyn Girl", "Doghouse Roses", and "Cherry Bomb". All of which hopefully don't give me nightmares, but is kind of like eating cold pizza and pickles before bed.

Photography: Check out 'S. Roberts Creative Photography' (go to, then look under the 'links' tab), this is what I'm doing on days when I need to escape beyond the pages of a book. One of my favorite pastimes is to jump in my car, turn on my tunes, and drive around until I see something interesting to capture. Hey - its something creative, right!?

Poetry: That's write, I'm back to writing those toe-curling prose that make even me want to vomit, but sometimes you just have a bunch of emotional dribble you need to dispel - so I have been dispelling all over my newest composition notebook, of which I am SURE will have to be burned after the use of the last page (<---- really bad stuff {gagging})

Music: I have a new toy! (No, pull your head out of the gutter! NOT that kind of toy, sheesh)...dun, dun, duhnnnn: an iPOD - woohoo, welcome to the 21st century Ms. Royce, glad you could finally join us after almost NINE years. (Oh, and have to throw in my newest skill - TEXT MESSAGE - it's a necessary evil - some twitter, I text). So my iPOD has become the soundtrack of my life. I think that'd be a great iPOD commercial - you see this soccer mom (al la moi) in the grocery store and all the cashiers and bag boys are dancing with the fruits and veggies, then soccer mom blinks and takes off her headphones and all is normal again - but it's because she's jamming to her iPOD that she 'visualizes' this much more interesting reality. Do you get me here? You could have scenes where she is cleaning the house and she's all decked out in leather and singing then the kids walk in and she's in her yellow gloves and singing into the mop handle (has never happened to me, uh-hum). You could have scenes in traffic or on the subway or at the bank. The catch phrase could be "Make life a musical" - or something totally not that gay but catchy.

Ok...I just went off on a tangent...wonder if the muse is back? Hmmmm.....

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