Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Cynthia D'Alba, E.C. Gray and I ventured
to Plano Texas April 4th and 5th for the 2008 DARA conference. The long drive down was spent brainstorming one of my WIP's - the "Mists of Life". Needless to say, we got nowhere.
Only after we checked into the hotel, registered at the DARA booth, and spent time "relaxing" in the hotel bar that we could finally 'exorcise the demon' and really start planning the story. Really! You think I'm kidding. You know how we authors do, killing off characters left and right. I'm surpirsed the local authorities didn't show up and ask us whose murder we were plotting...
Isn't that one of the cruxs of writing? You have to be flexible and listen to those you brainstorm with. Never hold onto an idea so tight that you don't give it room to grow. There was no reason for my hero to be half-demon. So - we got rid of the demon and instead killed off his family...(just another kind of demon really).
Anyways, what couldn’t be done in a five hour drive from Arkansas to Texas was plotted in little over an hour. (Mind you, only after several "bartender specials", the best steak nachos in the country, and many jokes later).
{Side note: Best joke of the night: We are sitting in the bar, a few other authors whom are knew sat down with us at our table (they will forgive me for not remembering thier names). A series of horrific tornados had just blown through Arkansas. Thankfully, no deaths resulted that night from tornados, but the meterologists on tv couldn't hardly contain themselves. We sat and laughted at the almost inappropriate excitement of the weathermen during these storms. One of the authors at our table laughted along with us, but once we quieted down she informed us that her husband is a meterologist. - Needless to say, they almost asked us to leave the bar we were laughing so loud.}
Back to brainstorming - I, with infinite wisdom, wrote those ideas down on a hotel bar napkin. I can only imagine the hundreds of great story ideas that are jotted down on bar napkins. Why is it that I had a stock pile of tapes and a mini recorder, including a small notepad, during the five hour brainstorming session down, but none of those tools were available during this creative snap!?
But, all joking aside, the conference was informative and enjoyable. The most interesting
sessions to me were those given by the Agents and Editors.
One particular question posed to the Editors were about trends. All three of the Editors present agreed that there was no way to predict the future trend. And their best advice was to encourage all authors to simply write what they love. So basically - JUST WRITE A GOOD STORY.

Cynthia, E.C., and I at the morning breakfast session.
Best selling author, Lori Foster, gave a very up-beat and inspiring talk on focus and writing. Made me want to get home and get to writing! That's what conferences are about - right? Enthusiasm for the craft, making new friendships, strengthening old ones, and brainstorming a really great book idea on a hotel bar napkin....man, I can't wait 'til next year!