Monday, June 16, 2008


Who ever thought that my lil ol' short story "Always Tomorrow" would be reviewed by so many? I am excited to say that 'Once Upon A Romance' was kind enough to review Sarah and Gavin's story. Here is what the reviewer said:

"This wonderfully romantic short story gives us a glimpse into the torture that Gavin put himself through as he lived with a secret that he never told his best friend. He’s now racked with guilt because he feels responsible for Ed’s death. Sarah is a woman of great fortitude and resilience. She’s got chutzpah and lots of it. I admire the courage she used to face down Gavin at his most formidable. Can each of them put aside the past and give themselves a chance at a future together? Overall, Always Tomorrow is a pleasant diversion and good story."

Here is the direct link to read the full review! Pretty cool, huh?


Clover Autrey said...

Doesn't it feel great to get a nice review. Sounds like a good story.

Shada_Royce said...

Clover - Yes, it does! I feel like I'm walking on clouds when I get one. Thanks for visiting!